High School & Beyond Plan
What is the High School and Beyond Plan (HSBP)? A high school graduation plan prepared for options in career, college, and life. The High School & Beyond Plan helps students gain knowledge and skills to plan current and future goals. Students revise their plan annually to accommodate changing interests, personalized pathway choices and post-secondary goals on what they expect to do following high school graduation. Post-secondary aspirations may include pathways for application to four-year colleges or universities, two-year community or technical colleges, apprenticeship programs, industry standard certificate programs, military training or on-the-job training and workforce entry.
Components of Xello:
- Personal Profile. Each student will create a profile based on interests, personality, and learning styles, where all their lessons, activities, discoveries, and work is saved. This plan is personal, fluid and rich in scope.
- Lessons. As part of Xello, students will have the ability to access lessons at any time that will help them to identify careers and areas of study that complement and support both their interests and skills.
- Detailed Career Information. The program gives students the ability to explore hundreds of careers in great depth. They can access multimedia career profiles and research all facets of specific careers.
- College (Post High School) Educational Planning. The program includes a rich college planning tool that allows students to study post-secondary schools across the country. Adapted from the US Department of Education, the College Planning Timeline is designed to help the student prepare for college. The timeline is organized by grade, so you have a chronological, step-by-step plan to help ease the transition from high school to college. (can include 4 year, two year, certificate or military programs)
- Financial Aid Exploration. This section of Xello offers a financial aid database which includes details on thousands of private scholarships, grants, awards, fellowships, and other assistance programs that can help students pay for their education.
- Employment Readiness. The three main components of this section of Xello include an employment guide, a job search tool and a resume builder. These features assist students in applying the information that they have amassed in their plan to practical and meaningful work searches.
- Classroom Resources. Beginning in 6th grade, each student will complete the activities designed for their grade level to work systematically through the High School and Beyond Plan. The students have the ability to change their profiles as their interests evolve over the years. Teachers and advisors will be guiding your students through these processes.
For more info, please contact your student's grade level counselor.
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