We look forward to meeting with you!
We are committed to providing a comprehensive program to assist students in acquiring and utilizing lifelong learning and coping skills in order to be pro-active leaders in our society and achieve academic, college/career, and personal/social success.
We strive to serve as advocates for students, allies with teachers, and liaisons with parents. We will work to enhance the overall school climate through the facilitation of a character-driven, collaborative environment in which effective learning and restorative justice can take place.
Resources & Information
- Community Resources & Volunteering Opportunities
- Food
- Healthy Well-Being
- Mental Health
- Shelter
- Summer Programs & Internship Opportunities
- Time Management & Organization
Community Resources & Volunteering Opportunities
Finding Volunteer Opportunities Near You
- Where to Care: A Comprehensive Resource for Teens About Volunteering
- City Websites - City of Kirkland, City of Redmond, City of Seattle, etc.
- - Seattle Opportunities
- - Identify volunteer centers out of Seattle
- Link to broad array of volunteer opportunities
Local Opportunities
Boys and Girls Club
Be a Teen Tutor!
We encourage teens to tutor younger kids with reading, writing, comprehension and math skills. This is a great opportunity for teens to get involved in the community and take on a mentoring and leadership role. Not only do teens benefit from this program, but the younger kids are shown the importance of education by youth they look up to.
Torch Club
Torch Club is a community service focused group that serves the Kirkland area. We have done service projects such as sending cards and cookies to the troops in Iraq, decorating donation boxes and visiting retirement homes. Grades 6-8 are welcome! Meetings take place every Wednesday from 3 to 4 p.m. at the Club Teen Center.
Keystone Club
Keystone is a community service focused group that serves the Club and surrounding area. Our service projects in the past have included putting on events such as fundraisers, Parents' Night Out and Teen Night. We have also spent a lot of time volunteering at a youth shelter in Seattle. Teens in grades 9-12 are welcome. Meetings take place every Thursday at from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the Club Teen Center.
Little Bit Therapeutic Riding Center
Do you enjoy volunteering your time, skills, and energy on fundraising events that make a difference? Join us! Join our volunteer team of people who are passionate about the Little Bit mission. Today, our greatest need is procurement help, i.e. respectfully asking businesses and individuals to donate an item, service, or sponsorship for the auction. Recognizing that many businesses are struggling due to the impacts of COVID, we will focus on those businesses who appear to be navigating today's challenges successfully. We have letters, forms, and guidance to help. Your efforts will directly impact the mission of Little Bit Therapeutic Riding Center, a 501(c)(3) non-profit located in Redmond, Washington. Learn more about our mission at For more information or to get started, please contact Director of Volunteer Involvement Lindsay Shepard at
National and International Opportunities
Dorot Community Service and Volunteer Programs
Description: DOROT has been an innovative leader in the fields of aging services and volunteerism. Building upon this success, we initiated a strategic planning process with the overriding goal of strengthening our ability to carry out the core mission. The mission of Dorot involves alleviating social isolation among the elderly and providing services to help them live independently as valued members of the community. Dorot serves the Jewish and wider community, bringing the generations together in a mutually beneficial partnership of elders, volunteers and professionals.
Participants: High school students.
Program website:
Global Leadership Adventures Summer Service and Volunteer Summer Programs
Global Leadership Adventures (GLA) offers international high school volunteer abroad summer programs for socially conscious teens interested in making positive changes in struggling communities around the world. GLA’s mission is to inspire the next generation of leaders to realize their potential to transform the world and their role in it.
Participants: High school students.
Program website:
Global Routes Summer Service and Volunteer Summer Programs
Global Routes brings people with different worldviews together. Programs are designed to create meaningful cross-cultural relationships through immersion in small, rural communities abroad. Living and working with people throughout the world challenges participants and local community members to step outside boundaries, meet new people, learn about new cultures. The community service involves immersion in a small, rural village. Participants learn the daily rhythms of life in their host community and work alongside locals on projects they have selected to most benefit for the community.
Participants: High school students.
Program website: High School Programs (
Broadreach Study Abroad Community Service and Travel Programs
Broadreach Study Abroad Summer Programs are designed to help our students better understand the world and the endless opportunities that await them, now and down the road. Broadreach is designed to prove students with a chance to explore their passions and abilities alongside like-minded teens in some of the world’s most incredible places. Students can immerse themselves in unique learning experiences within a variety of communities and ecosystems.
Participants: High school students and middle school students.
Program website:
CIEE Study Abroad Community Service Summer Programs
CIEE High School Abroad programs are designed for U.S. high school students to have the opportunity to see the world and to increase their global awareness. Through the summer study abroad programs, high school students take lasses with native students and live with a native host family. Students can become immersed in another language and culture.
Participants: High school students.
Program Website:
Prepackaged box of food – enough for 21 meals. Hours of service:
- Tuesdays 12 - 4 pm
- Wednesdays 3 - 7 pm
- Thursdays 10 am - 2 pm
11011 120th Ave NE, Kirkland WA 98033
Phone (425) 889-7880
9051 132nd Ave NE, Kirkland WA 98033
Grocery giveaway Fridays 2 - 6 pm
The Woodinville Storehouse Food Bank
17110 140th Ave NE, Woodinville WA 98072
- Tuesday 6:30 - 7:20 pm
- Saturday 9:30 - 10:20am
Walk-in clients are welcome
Bring ID for all family members and proof of Woodinville, Kirkland or Redmond residency such as utility bill or rental agreement.
Phone: (425) 483-5252
Open Kitchen (Redmond United Methodist Church)
16540 NE 80th Street, Redmond, WA 98052
Wednesday 5:00 – 6:00 pm (To-go meal)
Healthy Well-Being
General Health Resources
ReachOut: ReachOut is run by the Inspire USA Foundation, a non-profit organization. Its mission is to help young people lead happier lives.
Washington School-Based Health Alliance: School-based health centers are emerging in Washington State and across the country as an effective way to deliver consistent, high-quality primary health care and mental health services to children and adolescents.
Frontiers of Innovation is an initiative “committed to driving transformative change for young children whose needs are currently not being met. Adverse experiences can derail children’s healthy development, creative learning, behavior, and health challenges”
Suicide Prevention and Resources
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention Survivor Outreach Program
Teen substance abuse help:
Signs of drug and alcohol use and the effects:
Grief Grief resource for parents, school officials, and students
Youth Empowerment Strategies and support for ADHD and LD
Study Smarter Study Smarter
Creative College Options Go to college outside the USA…for free!
Do Good, Be Good: Make a Difference Teaching empathy and caring for others. Inspirational Science Ideas!
Coping with Anxiety 14 Apps for Anyone Living with Anxiety Get some ideas for taking care of yourself and staying anxiety free. How to Change Your Attitude When You Can’t Change Your Situation
Mental Health Resource Guide for Teens
For Parents Tech Time Out-Check out teen reactions to life without technology
Resources for Mental Health, Student and Family Supports, Crisis Supports, and more.
Mental Health
This Washington-based service is staffed by teen volunteers who receive 60 hours of training and often have experienced mental health issues themselves. The peer-to-peer connections make young people feel more comfortable sharing their concerns. The service can connect teens to local resources as well.
Teens are available for peer-to-peer support (call/text/chat) 7 days a week from 6pm - 10pm. You can also call, chat or text to connect with an adult substance use specialist from 1-6 p.m. Tues-Sat.
If you are an adult looking to help a young person, there are resources on the TeenLink website, or you can call 1.866.4CRISIS.
Crisis Connections
This 24/7 number provides immediate support and resources for people in emotional crisis and will help you determine if you or your loved one needs professional help. They provide immediate translation into 155 languages.
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration Disaster Distress Helpline
This 24/7/365 service from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration provides crisis counseling for people going through both natural and human-caused disasters. It’s free, multi-lingual and confidential. You can also text TalkWithUs to 66746.
National Suicide Prevention Hotline
The Lifeline provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones, and best practices for professionals. MORE resources for youth
Crisis Text Line
Text HOME to 741741
National Alliance on Mental Illness - Great mental health resources
Friends of Youth Shelter
Support for Youth experiencing Homelessness
King County 211
Text your zip code to 877-211- 9274
King County 2-1-1 connects people to the help they need. They provide the most comprehensive information on health and human services in King County. Whether it’s for housing assistance, help with financial needs, or to find the location of the nearest food bank
National Safe Place
“Safe Places” are where teens in crisis can ask for help and wait in safety for that help to arrive. Within 45 minutes of receiving a call, a youth counselor will meet the young person to determine the next steps, whether that is finding shelter, seeking emergency services, or returning home
Summer Programs & Internship Opportunities

Summer Program Directory - Teen Life
Teenagers with a range of outside-the-classroom experiences often do better in school, in the college admissions process, and in their adult lives. Our mission is to help teens and their parents find and participate in meaningful experiential learning opportunities.
Teen Job Opportunities
Summer Programs and Internships
Middle School Summer Programs
Boys and Girls Club – The goal of the Boys and Girls Club is to inspire & enable all young people, especially those who need us most, to reach their full potential as productive, responsible, and caring citizens. Students can take part in all kinds of programs both during summer and year-round. Students can participate in summer sports camps and teen summer camps.
Camp Killoqua Summer Camp - Established in 1941, Camp Killoqua offers a wide variety of programs for campers in grades K-12. Our beautiful 185-acre site in north Snohomish County features forests, trails, game fields and waterfront. These outdoor spaces are ideal settings for programs based on the Camp Fire philosophy: an emphasis on the small group, individual attention, acceptance of differences and a loosely structured child-centered approach. Programs focus on appreciation of the out-of-doors, democratic group living, non-competitive sports and games, skill development, concern for others, fun and friendship.
Teens in Action Program - Teens in Action is a leadership and community service club for kids in grades 6-12th. The time together is spent planning and doing service projects in their communities as well as at Camp Fire events.
Digipen ProjectFUN Summer Youth Programs - DigiPen Academy’s Summer Workshops offer exciting learning experiences for students of all ages. Under the encouraging guidance of our talented teaching staff, students learn, create and collaborate on hands-on projects in video game programming, art and animation, game design, engineering, and music and sound design. Each workshop is more than your average summer camp. By promoting teamwork and personal expression while reinforcing core academic subjects like math, physics, art and writing, students learn valuable lifelong skills in STEM.
Kirkland Arts Center - A variety of classes for teens. Please see what they are offering this summer by clicking on this link.
Kirkland Youth Council – The Kirkland Youth Council is a group of about 40 teens representing all Middle and High Schools in Kirkland. In addition, we also have members who attend private schools and who are home schooled. Each member of the Youth Council has the responsibility of representing their school, social and cultural group, the city, as well as the youth of Kirkland to the City Council and other local government groups. Youth grades 6-12 that reside in Kirkland or attend a school in Kirkland are eligible to apply for the Kirkland Youth Council. The recruitment process typically takes place just after the start of a school year with applications due in late September, Early application deadlines are usually in June.|ab1c70ec-38e6-40e3-ba22-bf28ebfae84b|3c005e77-8f04-4719-adc1-a980035cb01f|en-US
Girls Who Code Summer Coding Course – The Girls Who Code campus offers two-week summer coding courses for girls ages 10-18 in cities across the country.
Lake WA. Technical College Summer Camps - LWTech's summer STEM camps are offered in a week-by-week, full-day format through July and early August. The second two weeks of camps are intended for current middle school students. Past MS camps included Our Planet: Space Exploration and Space Colonization. Check their site in the spring for up-to-date information:
Pacific Science Center Summer Camps – Inspire the inner scientist in your child! Summer camps from Pacific Science Center are the perfect opportunity to explore, experiment and discover. Our exciting and enriching summer camps for kids are available at eight locations in the greater Seattle area for grades PreK-8 and offer hands-on science experiments, fun and challenging projects, and unique and innovative learning experiences. Some courses offered have been, Graphic Design, App Inventor, Robot Workshop, Astronomy 101, Zombie Survival School, Life Aquatic, and more.
Sahalee Summer Camp - A week-long, overnight camping experience designed to help children have fun learning about themselves as a friend, naturally. Your child will leave with a greater sense of confidence and of belonging to the world. Our program builds skills that promote self-esteem, collaboration and social creativity for the future health of your child & society.
Sahalee Youth Leader Program - Youth aged 13 and 14 are eligible to return to camp as a registered camper with a special role and emphasis on gaining gradual responsibilities that support camp life. This older camper will be asked to help a clan and the older counselor of that clan. They also help out in the kitchen and the gardens and other tasks that help camp run smoothly. They may assist with activities such as crafts, archery and the music program and they may be asked to lead a game or campfire song. The young leader will have times to enjoy camp life with their other peers.
Skyhawks Sports Camps - The development of Skyhawks Sports has been a wonderful ride for everyone involved, and we expect to continue to make a difference--one child at a time. Today we offer 10+ different sports, camps, and programs in Soccer, Basketball, Flag Football, Baseball, Multi-Sport, Tennis, Mini-Hawk, Lacrosse, Golf, Volleyball, Cheerleading, and Track & Field, providing countless ways for your child to grow. Our camps and programs are offered locally throughout over 500 communities. The format includes traditional week-long summer day camps and year-round after-school programs that range from 45 minutes to 6 hours in duration, per day. Our progression of camps and programs, led by our expert staff, provide instructional lessons for youth looking for a sport introduction or those who want to refine and master their sport-specific skills.
Studio East - Studio East is a theater company with a comprehensive program of drama classes, theater arts summer camps, and Mainstage productions for children from ages 4 through 19. Studio East works to create confident, compassionate, responsible young people through training in the art and craft of theater. Part of Studio East’s mission includes a scholarship program to help keep the arts accessible to theater students of all financial backgrounds.
Stone Soup Theater - A non-profit theater organization in Seattle specializing in drama for kids and teens ages 5 to 16. They offer after-school classes, winter and spring break camps, a youth conservatory program, and outdoor summer camps welcome to students of all backgrounds.
UW Summer Programs – UW Summer Youth Programs are designed for curious children and teens who want to keep learning over summer break. Calling all scientists, tinkerers, and creative types! Middle school students dig into a variety of STEM and arts and humanities topics through engaging, hands-on activities. Your middle school-er can jump into topics like microbiology, 3-D design, coding and engineering with our courses for kids entering 6th-8th grades. Get ready for lots of hands-on learning and campus field trips. Choose from full-day or half-day options.
InvestIN Stem Experiences - Explore STEM careers either online or in-person in England.
High School Summer Programs
ACAP's Free Summer 2023 Accounting & Business Residency Week Program at the UW -
- Program Dates: Sunday, July 16-Friday, July 21
- Priority application deadline is April 14!
Seattle ACAP (the Accounting Career Awareness Program) is pleased to invite applicants to its Summer 2023 Residency Week program at the University of Washington's Foster School of Business. ACAP’s mission is to help underrepresented students realize academic and career opportunities in accounting and business.
This no-cost, week-long residential program for rising WA state high school sophomores, juniors, and seniors introduces participants to accounting, and the many opportunities offered in a field actively seeking to diversify its workforce. Participants reside on campus, learn in and out of the classroom, visit accounting firms, build valuable life skills, and network with other ACAP students and diverse professionals while enjoying a taste of campus life.
This program is 100% free and includes housing in campus dorms, food, and all activities.
Applications for the July 16-21, 2023, Residency Week program are being accepted now. The priority deadline is April 14, 2023.
For more information:
- visit ACAP SEATTLE (
- view and download our brochure.
- email
Actuarial Science Summer Camp for Rising Seniors - An actuary is a business professional who uses mathematical and financial tools to help identify and manage risk, so it's a great career for students who are strong mathematically but who are not necessarily interested in teaching. It's also great for students who like business and have good math aptitude.
I run a one-week summer program for rising high school seniors who want to learn more about the profession. Here's a link to the program web site: Actuarial Science Camp (
AI4ALL at UW - The University of Washington invites students from traditionally underrepresented groups to join us for a free, 2-week data science and artificial intelligence introductory workshop. To be eligible for the program, students must be rising high school juniors, high school seniors, or college freshmen. At the workshop, students will learn how to understand, analyze, interpret and discuss real-world applications of data science and machine learning with the ultimate goal of understanding impactful technology decisions.
Banson NYC Fashion Summer Camps - Fashion focused camps in NYC for those entering 9th through 12th grades.
Boys and Girls Club – At the Club year-round and during the summer, teens have access to resources and experiences that expose them to a world of opportunities. It is a comfortable place to hang out with friends, connect with caring mentors, and participate in fun activities like sports, arts, leadership, and volunteerism. Teens can also participate in the junior staff and Counseling-In-Training (CIT) programs to work with younger members and gain job skills. Teen Summer Programs | Boys & Girls Clubs (
Brown University Pre-College Programs - Visit for more information on their summer programs for high school students.
Camp Neuro - Camp Neuro and Camp Cardiac, run by local medical students, serves as an ideal introduction for any high school student in exploring a career in medicine or psychology. It is a 1-week summer program held every June to give students opportunities to discover their interests and immerse themselves in these fields. Scholarship and Camp Applications for the UW Seattle Camp Neuro will open in February annually.
Carnation Farms Summer Job – We are looking for teens in grades 9 and 10, who want to spend the summer working on a real 10-acre farm and learning about where their food comes from. Over the summer you will harvest produce and eggs, learn what farm to table means through daily interactive workshops, cook with the summer bounty in culinary workshops with professional chefs, learn job skills, and work with hunger relief organizations in the community. Students can earn $12/hour and will work 9:AM-4:PM, Monday-Friday. Submit applications at
Coding for Medicine - The sequencing of human genome is revolutionizing biology and medicine. Tomorrow's doctors will need to have computational expertise to understand the genomic data, whereas tomorrow's computer scientists will find developing bioinformatics algorithms as their most exciting challenge. Coding for Medicine, in collaboration with Coding for Life Science, takes you to the center of that revolution. You will see how the worlds of computer scientists and medical doctors are merging together. We developed a set of courses to give young students the right skills to contribute to this fast-changing scientific world.
We are a mix of ONLINE and in-person this summer. A selection of our flagship courses will also be offered in-person at Bellevue College-this is for students who do not enjoy the ONLINE format. All laboratory courses will be in-person at Bellevue College.
Many ICS students have attended this program over the years. We have given college recommendations and have been research mentors to ICS students in prior years.
Our program explores biology with coding, math, algorithms and statistics. The program has stellar feedback over the last 8 years and today attracts high schoolers from the top high schools across the US. Many of our students and their parents retain contact with us well beyond the summer program for mentorship over the years.
Colorado College's Precollege Program - Apply by March 31st to waive the application fee and apply for financial aid.
Columbia Climate School in the Green Mountains -
Computer Science Summer Institute - Google's Computer Science Summer Institute (CSSI) is a three-week introduction to computer science (CS) for graduating high school seniors with a passion for technology — especially students from historically underrepresented groups in the field. CSSI is not your average summer camp. It's an intensive, interactive, hands-on, and fun program that seeks to inspire the tech leaders and innovators of tomorrow by supporting the study of computer science, software engineering, and other closely related subjects. At CSSI, students will learn programming fundamentals directly from Google engineers, get an inside look at some of Google's most exciting technologies, and even design and develop their very own application with fellow participants that will be showcased to Googlers. Students attend the program at one of our Google offices and experience firsthand Google's unique and innovative office culture.!?detail-content-tabby_activeEl=cssi-at-google
Cornell University Precollege Studies offers courses online and on campus.
As one of the nation's longest running and most highly regarded precollege academic programs, it gives motivated students the chance to
- Get a head start on college by earning 3 to 8 credits and a Cornell transcript.
- Immerse themselves in rigorous university courses taught by top Cornell faculty.
- Prep for college applications with one-on-one admissions counseling.
- Connect with a diverse group of high school students from around the world.
Students choose from regular undergraduate Cornell courses in Arts and Architecture, Business and Hospitality, Engineering, Health and Humanities, International Relations, Science and Technology, Social Change, Veterinary Medicine, and more. They can also combine on-campus and/or online courses to create their own six- or nine-week program.
Courses are offered between May 31 and August 2, 2022. Limited financial aid is available for on-campus courses. Applications open in late January.
Please contact us if you have questions. We hope your students can join us at Cornell this summer!
Digipen ProjectFUN Summer Youth Programs - DigiPen Academy’s Summer Workshops offer exciting learning experiences for students of all ages. Under the encouraging guidance of our talented teaching staff, students learn, create and collaborate on hands-on projects in video game programming, art and animation, game design, engineering, and music and sound design. Each workshop is more than your average summer camp. By promoting teamwork and personal expression while reinforcing core academic subjects like math, physics, art and writing, students learn valuable lifelong skills in STEM.
Pre-College Programs - During this month-long program, students take on the roles of programmers, artists, sound designers and computer engineers to bring their creative visions to life as they learn what it takes to be successful game/hardware developers. Taught by DigiPen faculty-level instructors, we combine college-level coursework in fundamental like applied mathematics, computer science, and foundational art with practical production experience in a team environment. See website link above.
Digigirlz High Tech Camp –Microsoft is proud to offer technology programs specifically for youth. High Tech Camp for girls works to dispel stereotypes of the high-tech industry. We continue to look for opportunities to give young people a chance to experience, firsthand, what it is like to develop cutting-edge technology. During the camp session, the girls listen to executive speakers, participate in technology tours and demonstrations, network, and learn through hands-on experience in workshops.
Gettysburg College is excited to offer several opportunities for high school juniors and sophomores to attend academic programs and athletic camps over the summer months. Learn more about our summer programming below or take a moment to explore our website.
- Civil War Era Studies (CWES) - Students will immerse themselves in historic Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, while studying American Civil War History through lectures, field trips, and unique learning experiences. The program will explore the circumstances leading to the war, investigate significant battles during the war, and explore the condition of the United States after the war.
- Camp Psych - Students will get hands-on experiences that introduce them to research in psychology during this interactive and engaging introduction to the field.
- Young Writers' Workshop - Students gain an in-depth introduction to all four genres of creative writing: fiction, poetry, nonfiction, and writing for stage and screen.
- Athletic Camps - Gettysburg College coaches share their knowledge as they work with students interested in playing athletics at the college level. Camps include football, swimming, women's soccer, and men's lacrosse.
Girls Who Code - Summer Immersion Program – Our summer immersion program is a free 7-week introductory computer science program for 10th-11th grade girls going into their junior or senior year of high school. During the 7-week program, participants learn about computer science, gain exposure to tech jobs, and join a sisterhood of girls who are using computer science to become change-makers.
Summer Coding Courses – The Girls Who Code campus offers two-week summer coding courses for girls ages 10-18 in cities across the country.
George Washington University Summer and Non-Degree Programs - Please click the link to see the online and in-person options.
Girls Rock Summer Camp for Girls - A Day camp for youth, ages 8-17. Campers come for a week-long crash course in playing an instrument, songwriting, social justice and empowerment workshops, and more! At the end of the week, campers get to perform their original song with their band at a local live music venue. Campers do not need to have any prior music experience and instruments will be provided.
Harvard Pre-College Programs - Attend classes on campus with people from all over the world. Find more information here.
Horizons Abroad is a study abroad program for high school students:
Iacocca Global Entrepreneurship Intensive - Virtual program by Lehigh University for current 10th and 11th graders interested in leadership and global entrepreneurship.
INSIGHT High School Program - This a four-week virtual program is designed to introduce high school students to public health, biomedical research, and medicine. Students attend a variety of speaker panels, skill building seminars, and peer networking opportunities. This program costs $2,200. To learn more, visit the INSIGHT High School Program website and see attached flyer.
The 2023 INSIGHT High School Program application is open from March 1st - June 5th, 2023. The program will run from July 10th - August 4th, 2023.
For students who might be interested in injury and violence prevention research. If you have any question, please contact us at
Institute for Systems Biology High School Summer Programs - The Institute for Systems Biology (ISB) is an internationally renowned non-profit research institute dedicated to the study and application of systems biology. We are offering different types of opportunities for high school students. For all opportunities, students will learn about systems biology and apply their learning to a research project. Students will learn microbiology and other laboratory and computer-based skills. Students will also learn about various professional paths, develop a web page that describes their experiences, and may assist in the optimization of lab experiments for high school classrooms.
John Hopkins Summer Programs - Precollege programs both in-person and online.
Kirkland Arts Center - Various art classes and studio time for teens. Please click on this link for more information.
Kirkland Youth Council – The Kirkland Youth Council is a group of about 40 teens representing all Middle and High Schools in Kirkland. In addition, we also have members who attend private schools and who are home schooled. Each member of the Youth Council has the responsibility of representing their school, social and cultural group, the City, as well as the youth of Kirkland to the City Council and other local government groups. Youth grades 6-12 that reside in Kirkland or attend a school in Kirkland are eligible to apply for the Kirkland Youth Council. The recruitment process typically takes place just after the start of a school year with applications due in late September, Early application deadlines are usually in June.
Lake Washington Technical College Summer Camps – LWTech's summer STEM camps are offered in a week-by-week, full-day format through July and early August. The first two weeks of camps are intended for current high school students. 2023 HS camps include engineering: rockets and robots, and biotechnology. Check their website in the spring for up-to-date information:
Master Class Workshops - Master Class workshops provide high school students with the rare opportunity to learn directly from a seasoned professional in a fun yet challenging learning environment. Our Master Class instructors are experts in their respective fields who will share their extensive knowledge with students through a two-week, hands-on experience. Subjects include Scoring for Film and Games, The Art and Science of the Modern DJ and Cosplay: Patternmaking.
Microsoft Summer High School Boot camp – This 3-day summer program provides an enriching environment to learn more about the software engineering field. Participate in challenging yet achievable projects designed to encourage high school juniors and seniors to pursue STEM fields of study.
Minecraft Programming and Digital Art Camp – Minecraft has an exciting 6-week internship for juniors and senior's students interested in programming and/or digital art. Programming interns will work on the Minecraft Engineering Team, helping with feature development using Visual Studio, GitHub, and Bedrock Engine, and will participate in the annual Minecraft Game Jam. Digital Art interns will work on the Minecraft Art Team learning about various aspects of content creation and visual development.
Mt. St. Helens Institute Summer Youth Programs - We are proud of the many ways we connect people to the volcano they love, from outdoor youth education programs hosted at the Mount St. Helens Science & Learning Center, to expert-led field seminars and guided exploration programs, to meaningful volunteer opportunities across Mount St. Helens and the surrounding Gifford Pinchot National Forest. Our mission is to advance understanding and stewardship of the Earth through science, education, and exploration of volcanic landscapes. The Institute hosts science and art summer camps for youth and families, day and overnight field trips for schools and youth groups, classroom visits, and resources for teachers give youth of all ages the opportunity to explore the landscape and discover their potential. We believe that everyone, regardless of their background, physical ability, or economic status, can learn from and be inspired by the volcano in our backyard.
Penn Arts & Sciences High School Programs - Undergraduate credit can be earned for these virtual and in-person options for current 10th and 11th graders. Please click the link for more information.
Project Feed 1010 Ambassador Program - You can be a current 10th or 11th grader when applying to be an ambassador. Through this opportunity, students are trained during the summer through hands-on, real-world experiences at ISB to tackle the global food security crisis and then supported as they develop and implement a plan to integrate their newfound knowledge into their schools and community centers.
Seattle Children’s Hospital: Summer Nurse Camp - For juniors and seniors. During this five-day camp, students will gain insight into the world of pediatric nursing by participating in clinical observation sessions. In these sessions, students will shadow nurses in a clinical environment and observe as they provide patient care and interact with patients and families. (Students will not provide patient care). Students will also work through interactive hands-on skills labs to learn and practice various nursing skills on models. In addition, students will have the opportunity to engage with an educational panel to ask questions and discuss nursing as a viable career path.
Skyhawks Sports Camp Coaches - Must be 18 years or older by May 31st of your application year. Skyhawks is looking for high school students who are interested in teaching young athletes the fundamentals of sports. Today we offer 10+ different sports, camps, and programs in Soccer, Basketball, Flag Football, Baseball, Multi-Sport, Tennis, Mini-Hawk, Lacrosse, Golf, Volleyball, Cheerleading, and Track & Field. The format includes traditional week-long summer day camps and year-round after-school programs that range from 45 minutes to 6 hours in duration, per day. Apply online at
Stone Soup Theater - A non-profit theater organization in Seattle specializing in drama for kids and teens ages 5 to 16. They offer after-school classes, winter and spring break camps, a youth conservatory program, and outdoor summer camps welcome to students of all backgrounds.
Studio East - Studio East is a theater company with a comprehensive program of drama classes, theater arts summer camps, and Mainstage productions for children from ages 4 through 19. They work to create confident, compassionate, responsible young people through training in the art and craft of theater.
The Summer Planning Academy with Puget Sound Regional Council - The Summer Planning Academy (SPA) is a free program for high school students in King, Kitsap, Pierce, and Snohomish counties that introduces them to planning topics through engaging sessions, activities, and site visits led by regional planning experts at Puget Sound Regional Council, colleagues from partner agencies, and leaders from the community. The program encourages students to think creatively about how better planning can help people lead better lives and how to set a career path to become a planner.
SPA takes place on four Fridays in July and August and includes a $500 scholarship for successful completion. More details about SPA including the dates and the application can be found on our website. The application deadline is May 15, 2023.
A little about Puget Sound Regional Council (PSRC). PSRC develops policies and coordinates decisions about regional growth, transportation and economic development planning within King, Pierce, Snohomish and Kitsap counties. PSRC is composed of nearly 100 members, including the four counties, cities and towns, ports, state and local transportation agencies and Tribal governments within the region.
Systems Medicine Ambassador Program - Apply as a 10th or 11th grade student for a 90-hour interactive experience that weaves art into systems medicine. Learn how systems medicine is integrating science and technology to optimize current health and future wellness for individuals and communities.
Teens in Action Program - Teens in Action is a leadership and community service club for older kids in grades 6-12th. The time together is spent planning and doing service projects in their communities as well as at Camp Fire events. The youth can use this time spent to fulfill required community service hours for their school.
UW Math Academy - High-achieving high school juniors from Washington State live on the Seattle UW campus for a four-week, intensive, summer session. Students engage in coursework created by UW math faculty and designed to develop the skills necessary to meet the high standards of college-level math and engineering.
UW Summer Bridge Program - For rising 9th and 10th graders to explore career options in various fields. Please click on the linked flyer for more information.
UW Summer Programs - With offerings in programming, architecture, writing and more, teens can discover a new interest or go deeper on a topic they are already passionate about. Experience life on a college campus and tap into some unique learning opportunities. Our half-day or full-day courses are available for entering 9th-12th graders. Our high school programs are held at three locations: the UW Seattle Campus, at Puget Sound Plaza in downtown Seattle, and at the UW’s facility in Bellevue.
UW Summer Quarter - Summer Quarter at the University of Washington offers a huge variety of courses and programs — nearly 2,000 courses in more than 100 fields of study. No matter what your goals or interests are, you’ll find a program or class to meet your needs and spark your interest to keep learning.
WANIC Summer Courses - WANIC (Washington Network for Innovative Careers) Summer Skills Academy, located at the Lake Washington Technical College, offers a high-quality learning environment with exploratory courses available for high school students. Each summer course is equivalent to a one semester high school class, condensed down to three weeks. The grade and credit earned will be reflected on the student's high school transcript. The work is fun, hands-on, and it gives students the opportunity to explore classes they may not see in their regular high school.
Washington University Pre-College Programs in St. Louis -
Washington Business Week - (Day or Overnight Programs available) In just seven days, Washington Business Week places students in a dynamic simulation where they role play as industry professionals, launch a company and develop a world-changing idea, sharpen their communication skills, and solve real-world challenges. Guided by a mentor from a local business, students learn to work as a team, explore careers, take a test run of university life, build a network with professionals and future leaders, earn college credit, and maybe even win a scholarship. Business leaders from around the state share their experiences and challenges and provide valuable insight and direction as they mentor the teams.
Washington Business Week – Healthcare Week - At Healthcare Week, students are divided into teams and are responsible for running a safe, ethical, and affordable healthcare clinic. Teams are challenged to answer the question—how will we solve some of the world’s greatest healthcare crises and still keep our clinic fiscally viable to ensure care for those who need it? Each team is assigned a major illness or issue, such as breast cancer, diabetes, or AIDS, and are tasked with the challenge to invent an innovative new preventative method, treatment, or cure. Students learn about the gamut of healthcare careers and healthcare technology. Students visit the nursing skills centers at major universities and practice hands-on learning with modern medical equipment.
YMCA Youth Summer Programs – There’s tons to learn, play and explore at YMCA Summer Camps. Kids grow, build skills and gain confidence in a safe, values-based environment. We summer day and overnight camps, lifeguard camps, and leadership development programs for teens. Check your local YMCA for summer program availability.
Carnegie Mellon's Summer Pre-College Programs
Pre-College Programs* - Summer of 2022
- Architecture: Introduces design practice, creative problem solving, and critical thinking through a matrix of programming, celebrating curiosity and providing a strong foundation for architectural education. (4- and 6-week program options)
- Art: Uses both traditional tools and cutting-edge technologies to explore creative ideas in a college-level studio environment. Students develop both conceptual and technical skills preparing them for a wide range of opportunities in both art studies and careers. (3- and 6-week program options)
- Computational Biology: Provides extensive training in both cutting-edge laboratory experiments to generate biological data and the computational analysis of that data. Uses real-world scenarios for exploration. (3-week program)
- Design: Introduces students to the discipline of Design, provides a foundation of skills, and gives a clear idea of what to expect from a college-level accredited program. (6-week program)
- Drama: Prepares students for the college audition and interview process, illustrating the kind of creativity and discipline required of students studying a Bachelor of Fine Arts Drama curriculum. Students you will be introduced to the intensity of a top-rated undergraduate conservatory experience. (6-week program)
- Music: Immerses high school students in a world-class conservatory experience within an internationally recognized university. The program mirrors the first weeks of Carnegie Mellon’s first-year undergraduate School of Music curriculum. (3- and 6-week program options)
- National High School Game Academy: Allows high school students to experience modern video game development using industry-standard technology. Students interested in art, music and audio, game design, and software development are encouraged to apply for this interdisciplinary program. (6-week program)
- Summer Session: Provides high school students with the opportunity to take summer courses offered by Carnegie Mellon. Students earn college credit while working in an academic setting that mirrors the supportive, rigorous environment of the first year of college. (6-week program)
- Writing & Culture: Students explore film, art, and culture through historical and contemporary lenses. Students learn to think critically, express thoughts creatively, and write effectively for college and beyond. (6-week program)
*Limited scholarships available for programs above.
Carnegie Mellon's Summer Pre-College Programs
No-Cost Pre-College Programs - Summer of 2022
- Computer Science Scholars: Provides students who have historically been excluded in the field of computer science an opportunity to explore the field of computer science with full-time faculty, staff and researchers who are leaders in the field. (4-week program)
- Summer Academy for Math and Science: Allows students from underrepresented communities to develop a deeper understanding of STEM via traditional classroom instruction, hands-on projects, and sustained engagement with world-renowned faculty and skilled staff mentors. (Rising seniors only, 6-week program)
- Click on the online application here to apply!
Inspirit AI is a program for high school's students interested in Artificial Intelligence.
While we primarily advertise in-state opportunities for summer programs, we encourage students to explore their interests throughout the United States and the world. Below are a few of the many, many opportunities that await your students:
- ACLU Summer Advocacy Program
- ASSE Study Abroad
- AgDiscovery:Plants, Animals, and Agriculture - Middle and High School Students
- CITYterm in New York
- College Campus Summer and/or Pre-College Programs in Business, medicine, science, math, music, leadership. Example: Lewis & Clark College Summer Creative Writing Program
- College Leadership Programs
- Davidson THINK Summer Institute – Students ages 13-16
- Envision – Career Exploration and Leadership Development Programs
- Envision Conference
- Global Public Service Academies – Health Programs – High School Students
- G-MEO China Study Abroad – High School Students
- HOBY Leadership Conference for 10th Graders (Sign-ups in Fall)
- Johns Hopkins-Center for Talented Youth
- KE Future College Study Programs
- LeanGap
- Oxbridge Academic Abroad Programs- Business, Medicine, World Language, and more! Grades 7-12
- SPI Study Abroad
- Summer Science Program in AstroPhysics or BioChemistry
- TRY Engineering Summer Institute – Grades 8-12
InvestIN Stem Experiences - Explore STEM careers either online or in-person in England.
High School Summer Internships
ACE Mentoring Program - ACE is a free program during the school year where students are teamed with mentors in the Architecture, Construction and Engineering (ACE) fields to learn about the building industry. ACE is open to any high school student who has the curiosity and drive to learn about a career in design and construction. As a participant, you’ll join a team of other students led by adult mentors who are practicing industry professionals. ACE isn’t about merely describing specific professions; it’s about immersing you in the profession by engaging you in actual building projects. These can range from new schools and mixed-use developments to amphitheaters and temporary housing for movie stars on location.
Bank of America Student Leaders Internship - As a Student Leader, you will participate in an eight-week paid internship at a local nonprofit organization where you will learn first-hand about the needs of your community and the critical role nonprofits play. In addition, you will learn valuable civic, social and business leadership skills. Each Student Leader will attend the Student Leaders Summit held in Washington, D.C. where you will learn how government, business and the nonprofit sector work together to address critical community needs. Program is for current juniors and seniors. Check their website for current information:
Campus Explorer - 20+ Awesome Internships for High School Students in Summer 2023 - Campus Explorer.
Fred Hutch Summer High School Internship – (Open to current 11th grade students) High school students are welcome to apply for an 8-week, paid summer research internship at Fred Hutch. The Hutch has an international reputation for its pioneering research in biological sciences, bone marrow and stem cell transplantation, cancer prevention, epidemiology, and biostatistics. Selected interns will spend 1 full week in hands-on training in laboratory safety techniques and skills in our Training Labs, designated safe labs for minors. Interns will then be paired and matched to a host mentor who will supervise them over the remaining 7 weeks on specific projects or activities in the host lab. High School and Undergraduate Students (
Institute for Systems Biology Summer High School Internship Program - ISB’s standard 8-week (~320 hours) internship. The Institute for Systems Biology (ISB) is an internationally renowned non-profit research institute dedicated to the study and application of systems biology. Students will learn about systems biology and apply their learning to a research project. Students will learn microbiology and other laboratory and computer-based skills, various professional paths, develop a web page that describes their experiences, and may assist in the optimization of lab experiments for high school classrooms. Possible topics include but are not limited to bioengineering with algae, computational modeling, systems medicine, and researching with model organisms (including archaea, algae, diatoms, anaerobes, bacteria, and/or yeast). All projects are aligned with a current ISB project and driven by a mentor. We are seeking 6-10 temporary Laboratory High School Interns to work in the Baliga Laboratory and other ISB Labs. Only current juniors (11th graders) are eligible to apply. Check their website for current information.
Microsoft High School Internship - Paid, 10-week, summer program offering an exciting opportunity to work side-by-side with software engineering teams on real Microsoft technical projects. Get valuable experience, contribute to meaningful work, and receive support from a mentor. Available for current juniors or seniors in high school who are interested in technology. Check their website for current information.
National Air and Space Museum:
National Archives in Seattle:
Seattle Public Library Student Assistance Program:
Sounders Internship - YouthForce’s Teamwork Internship Program offers teens a meaningful entry-level work experience supported by caring adults, positive peer and professional networks, and on the job training. Teamwork Interns play a key role during Sounders FC home matches, delivering the best possible game-day experience for fans by sharing positive energy and high enthusiasm as they perform their duties. The Teamwork Internship Program extends beyond the game day job; teens must also participate in college readiness, career exploration, and financial literacy workshops held throughout the season in addition to periodic volunteer events. Interns who are in good standing at the end of each season are invited to apply for the following season if they still meet the eligibility requirements. Applications will usually open between January and March annually.
Sustainability Ambassador Internship Program - Sustainability Ambassadors is a professional development program for student leaders, teacher leaders and community leaders committed to educating for sustainability by aligning classroom rigor with community relevance. We initiate collective impact campaigns, benchmark improvements in sustainable community conditions and report progress to peers, parents, planners, and policy makers using the informed voice of youth. Develop projects that align with the skills that you want to develop as a young professional. Internship opportunity details can be found on our website.
Teens in Public Service – Teens In Public Service is a not-for-profit dedicated to developing future leaders committed to their communities. TIPS selects teenage leaders for paid community service internships and pairs them with charitable organizations over the summer. These internships offer teens practical work experience, an understanding of ethical leadership, and a venue to put their values into action; and, our nonprofits gain additional staff during the summer months, at no cost to their organizations. TIPS looks for organizational partners who can provide teens with unique, life-changing summer internship experiences in areas like, social rights activism, environment, elderly care, community health, animal welfare, youth education and tutoring, Special needs, Homeless and humanitarian issues, medicine and hospital programs, and more! Applications usually open in Winter and close late February.
YouthForce Career and Internship Program Acumatica – Acumatica is offering a great opportunity for teens that provides hands-on learning experience and exposure to sales and marketing fundamentals and career exploration. Acumatica is cloud accounting software and cloud ERP software for small to midsize businesses that helps unlock business potential. To learn more, visit We are looking for teens who are responsible and driven-team players. Other critical skills include the ability to check their work and pay attention to detail. Apprentices should be comfortable with computer work.
LWSD Summer Programs
Time Management & Organization
These websites offer some great tips to help you with managing your time effectively:
• Mind Tools: Time Management
• Support With Time Management - UNSW
• 10 Time Management Tips for Students
Procrastination and how to avoid it:
• How to stop procrastinating- WikiHow
Planning your time:
• Factors to consider when planning your time - UNSW
• Long and Short-Term Planning Tips - UNSW
How to create a study space:
• Create a great study space - CollegeInfoGeek
• How to make a study space - WikiHow
• How to organize your desk - WikiHow
Planner Resources:
• 6 Great Planner Apps for Students PDF download
• Undated Monthly Planner PDF download
• Simple Weekly Planner
District Resources
Housing, Legal Assistance, Transportation, Childcare, and more:
visit the LWSD Community Resources page.
Student Services Staff
Rebecca Zavala
High School Counselor 9-12
STAMP Coordinator
High School & Beyond Plan Coordinator
Ann Nguyen
Middle School Counselor 6-8
High School & Beyond Plan Coordinator
Zoë Magno
Counseling Intern
Coeleen Kent
Youth Eastside Services
Kristina Summers
Registrar/Counseling Office Professional
Danielle Ruiz
Attendance Professional